Sunday 8 January 2017

Last Lecture to Sixth Form Tuition Class

1. Main purpose of my teaching: To correct your learning attitude
- Learning is about trying and asking
- Trying means go ahead a solve problem even before you are prepared for it to discover my original opinion towards that problem, to discover my wrong concepts
- Question myself, try to answer it and only then ask for verification

2. Main purpose of learning: Clear your doubts, understand something
- Important: Making notes
- Sort out our mind
- Connect the new knowledge to what we have learnt, and possibly what we have not learnt
- Record in the simplest form

3. Main purpose of examination: Time for harvesting
- Pressure to thrust – limited time
- To test how much we know
- The earlier we start preparing, the better, but starting now is never too late
- Method: Self-examining – treat exercises as test

Areas need improvement:
1. Make notes and update them often
2. Revise: revise to remember and to learn new things
3. Study independently, self-discipline, self-driving, but consult teachers to clear doubts
4. Build a strong foundation, and make it stronger and deeper days after days
5. Solve a problem doing your best. Don’t stop until you found the solution(s).
6. Self-motivating, raise to challenges and failures, and do even better
7. Learn concepts from examples. Not numbers from examples.
8. Wake up! Do your works while listening, e.g. solving problems, writing notes, or summarising.

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